All Posts in Category: Personal Development


SUGGESTION: Review the following nine points and make a commitment to abide by all of them on a regular basis and/or pick one a week to work on for the next nine weeks.
When you do these things on a regular basis, you will not only enjoy your job, you’ll love it:

  1. Take responsibility for loving your job instead of blaming others.
  2. Focus on what you are passionate about in your job.
  3. Avoid sarcasm.
  4. Make a list of things you are thankful for in your work.
  5. Set work and learning goals, for yourself, for your team.
  6. Become more creative in your work.
  7. Balance your work with important outside activities.
  8. Perform one act of kindness for your customers or colleagues every day.
  9. Review and renew job resolutions regularly.

Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work

                       by Eric Klein and John Izzo


Do more than exist:live.
Do more than touch:feel.
Do more than look: observe.
Do more than read:absorb.
Do more than hear: listen.
Do more than listen:  understand.
Do more than think:  reflect.
Do more than just talk: say something.

–Author unknown

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Thoughts on Motivation

  1. People do things for their reasons, not ours. Find out what they want and why they want it.
  2. All motivation is self-motivation. Before you can motivate someone else, you need to motivate yourself.
  3. People do things to gain a benefit or avoid a loss. People won’t change their behavior unless it makes a difference to them to do so. Common motivators are: Pride, Profit, Pleasure, and Protection (pain avoidance).
  4. The strongest human force for motivation is goal setting.       Paul J. Meyer
  5. Attitude is everything; it impacts everything you do. It determines your performance.
  6. When your attitude improves, so do your circumstances.         Keith Harrell
  7. We are where we are, and what we are, because of the dominating thoughts that occupy our mind. W. Clement Stone
  8. Try agreeing with people instead of disagreeing with them. See how right you can make others instead of how wrong.
  9. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.   Jim Ryun
  10. When people believe in themselves, it is amazing what they can accomplish. Sam Walton
  11. People will sit up and take notice of you when you sit up and take notice of what makes them sit up and take notice.   Frank Romer
  12. Know your people; know their goals; know their activity; know their results.   Rex Houze
  13. Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz
  14. Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger. Franklin P. Jones
  15. Recognition is an energizing action which can go up, down, and sideways. Just say, “Thank you;” “Good job;” “You’re the best;” and positive energy flows between, to, and from both people. Paula Gavin
  16. Treat people as though they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.   Goethe
  17. The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.   Harold Geneen
  18. Don’t wait until people do things exactly right before you praise them.   The One Minute Manager®
  19. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.   John Wooden
  20. People flourish with praise and acceptance and diminish with criticism and rejection.

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Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) = Success, and Negative Mental Attitude (NMA) = Failure. Just as we gain weight when we consume more calories than we burn, our attitude can move from positive to negative as we are exposed to negatives in our environment. Fortunately, our attitude is one of the few things we have 100% control over. Other people and circumstances can only “mess with” our attitude if we let them.

The 7 Day PMA Diet is designed to help you stay in control of your PMA. Follow the 4 steps for 7 days and, if you like the results, repeat them for as many 7 day increments as you need to develop PMA.

Step One:    Think only positive thoughts. When a negative thoughts creep in, and they will, push them out with a positive thought.

Step Two:     Associate only with positive people. When confronted with negative people you can either change them or leave. If you can’t leave physically, leave mentally so you won’t buy into their negativity.

Step Three:    Do something each day, no pay involved (random acts of kindness). No pay involved includes not telling anyone that you did it.

Step Four:     Use your “Focus Card” daily. You can create your own “Focus Card” by using a standard 3 x 5 card. On one side, write one short-term, 7 day goal in each of the six areas of your life, e.g. family, financial, mental physical, social, and spiritual. These are goals you might not have done otherwise and they are something you can accomplish in seven days.

On the top half of the other side, list several things you are thankful for and on the bottom half list some of your accomplishments.

Then, fold the card in half several times and carry it in your pocket or somewhere else where you’ll have easy access to it. When you feel your PMA being challenged, touching the card will be a reminder of what you wrote and will help you focus on what you want to accomplish (7 day goals), what you are thankful for, and what you have accomplished in the past. At least once a day, read the entire card. Good luck.


7 Day Goals
Write one goal for each area that you can and will complete in 7 days.

Family –

Financial –

Mental –

Physical –

Social –

Spiritual –

Count My Blessings
List several things you are thankful for.


List several things you have accomplished.


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Increasing Personal Motivation

MOTIVATION can be defined as a desire held in expectation with the belief that it will be realized. In other words, motivation is a “motive for action,” i.e. reason, purpose, or goal for doing something. Keep in mind that action, or behavior, includes both cause and effect. Motivation involves both the actions and the motive or cause behind the actions. Within reasonable limits, the needs, desires and drives of all people are fairly universal.
Our behavior is the action we take to satisfy desire, but different people take different paths to reach their goals. Two people may adopt identical behavior to reach opposite goals, or they may behave in diametrically opposite ways to achieve a similar goal.
Observe the behavior patterns of your employees as well as your own. Each person has his or her own set of conscious or unconscious goals, and these needs or goals motivate the chosen pattern of behavior. Therefore, all motivation is personal. To understand what it takes to motivate a person, we must know and understand the person as an individual. Each person has needs that must be satisfied.
An effective business leader identifies these personal needs and helps the employee translate them into personal goals. Then, you can help the employee see how these personal goals will help the organization achieve its goals. Since motivation is personal, you might ask: “How can I personally motivate an entire organization?” The answer, of course, is “one at a time.” There is no easier or simpler way. People are the medium through which all systems must pass. Without people, you will get nothing done.

Because all employees are people, and therefore reflect different heritages, environments and training, there is no single method or idea that will successfully motivate all of them all the time. Effective motivation can be accomplished only on a personal basis. However, business leaders can maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to personal motivation and individual growth. The leader can, by combining motivational management with desire for personal success, weld together a new and powerful force for improved performance and results.
Both of these vital elements are interdependent; individual managers and employees rarely strive to increase their personal motivation unless they are stimulated and led by enlightened and self-motivated leaders. As a leader, it is your responsibility to create a climate for growth and learn to deal with each of your employee’s motivation on an individual basis.
To do this, you need to be observant, spend one-on-one time with each person, ask questions, listen and take a genuine interest in each person.


All people have one thing in common – they are all different!

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Develop an “Abundance” Mentality

In any endeavor, our success is dependent on many factors. One factor that might be overlooked is having an abundance mentality. An “abundance mentality” is more than having a positive mental attitude, although a positive mental attitude is very important. When you have a positive mental attitude, you look at how things can be done rather than why they can’t be done. You believe that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” You look at possibilities and opportunities rather than obstacles and problems. This mindset is important for success in any endeavor.

An abundance mentality will take you beyond a positive mental attitude. It will eliminate small thinking and offset negative energy. It can mean the difference between success and failure, excellence and mediocrity, and prosperity and despair. People with an abundance mentality believe the following:

  •  “The more I sell, the more there is to sell.”
  •  “The more I give, the more there is to give.”
  •  “The more I know, the more there is to know.”
  •  “People are great. They will help me reach my goals.”
  •  “If I need money, I’ll find the money.”
  •  “If I need people, I’ll find the people.”
  •  “If I need ideas, the ideas will come.”

People with an abundance mentality believe there are enough resources available to accomplish their goals. They also believe that their success doesn’t mean failure for others. On the contrary, the more successful they are, the more others are affected in a positive way. They can be happy when friends and associates prosper. They can enter every business transaction with a “win/win” attitude. They win when their clients win.

Here are some things that you can do to boost and enhance an abundance mentality:

  • Make a commitment to continuous growth. Set up a reading, listening, watching and learning schedule. Participate in seminars and corporate development programs.
  • Help others grow. A wise philosopher once said, “When you help another person get to the top of a mountain, you will arrive there also.” Teach the people on your team what you know. If you have a talent for coaching or teaching children, volunteer. Seeing people grow as a result of your efforts will enhance your abundance mentality.
  • Have a written, specific goals program. Review your goals daily, and update your action steps and accomplishments.
  • Utilize the synergy of a support group. Join one or more organizations that have
    members who share your interest in personal and professional development and who support you in the process.

Abundance starts in your mind. The more you think abundantly, the more abundance you can enjoy. The more abundance you enjoy, the more success you will enjoy.

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Motivating People to Produce

Most people have an unlimited potential to produce great results in their chosen field. Their only limitations are usually ones they place on their own mind. People can change; they can be motivated to be more and do more. Unfortunately, most people will not change because we need, want, or even when we tell them to change. They will only change their behavior when they change their attitude. If you want to change what people are doing, you have to change what they are thinking. To change what they are thinking, you have to change what you are saying and, perhaps, how you are saying it.

Motivating people to produce must be affected through attitude change if it is to be permanent. The commonly used methods of fear and incentives have been proven to be temporary.

Fear is based on threat or punishment. Sooner or later, people become totally subjected to fear and won’t do anything without first being told. Or, they become immune to fear and only do enough to get by. Either way, people will not give you their best effort, use their full potential, or get the results you want when fear is predominant in the culture.

Incentives are external rewards. They are designed to “lure” people to do something that they should have done in the first place. Incentives can work up to a point, but they will not provide long-lasting motivation. You will find that you have to give more and more for less and less.

Basically, an attitude is the way people think about themselves and their circumstances. When, you, as a leader or coach, help people change the way they think, you help them change their attitude, which affects their behavior and influences their results. Here are some things you can do to motivate people to produce:

  1.  Help them crystallize their goals. When people have a clear picture of exactly what they want, they do not need to be forced or rewarded externally to accomplish the goal.
  2.  Focus on their strengths. People will grow quicker and accomplish more when they concentrate on their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses rather than being reminded of their weaknesses.
  3.  Use positive reinforcement. Point out people’s accomplishments and progress. Catch them doing things right. When you see it, say it. What gets noticed and reinforced gets repeated. Make sure you recognize what you want repeated, not what you don’t.
  4. Expect their best performance. People tend to live up or down to a leader’s expectations. Expect little and you will receive little. Expect great performance and results and you are more likely to get them.

When you help people develop the attitudes necessary for peak performance and success, they will develop the confidence to reach for higher and more meaningful goals and will be more valuable to you and your organization. They will discover solutions for themselves and not depend on outside circumstances. They will understand that in order to change their circumstances, they must first change themselves.

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The Power of Decision Making

People who fail to succeed, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions very slowly and of changing their decisions very slowly.

Some never decide at all, but live in the misery of their indecisiveness. Indecision is a habit acquired in youth, and it unfortunately follows many people to the grave. By nature and habit, these people are usually easily influenced by the opinions and advice of others. They tend to accept this outside advice because subconsciously they want someone to share the blame should a failure result or the decision cause them problems.

Remember this: opinions are the world’s cheapest commodity. If you are easily influenced by the opinions of others, you will never have an honest desire of your own.

Procrastination is the opposite of decision. It is a deadly enemy that each of us must conquer if we want to be in control of our own lives. My favorite definition of procrastination is “suicide on the installment plan.”

Doubt is another obstacle that keeps people from making good decisions. Doubt is usually the result of a lack of self-knowledge and self-confidence. When people know who they are, where they stand, and where they are going, self-confidence is assured and good decisions will follow. William Shakespeare had this to say about doubt: “Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”

The world will stand aside for a person who can make a decision and take action. Once someone breaks through a barrier, everyone else believes that it can be done.

Each of us has the potential for achieving greater success. Rid your mind of limitations, and let the larger YOU come through. You will never know what you can do until you have tried. Nothing is too good to be true.

Other people will never be as excited about your goals, dreams and ambitions as you are. Even your loved ones and close personal friends will think of dozens of reasons why you shouldn’t or couldn’t do something. Be very selective when you seek advice about what you should or should not do.

In his book, Your Greatest Power, J. Martin Kohe wrote that our greatest power is the power of CHOICE. We can choose to be happy or sad, positive or negative, caring or mean, enthusiastic or dull. Here are few things you can do to help you know you are making good decisions:

  • Have written and specific goals. When you know where you stand, where you are going and how you are going to get there, you will usually make the right decision.
  • Use clear, objective thinking. Ask yourself penetrating questions about what you want, why you want it, what it will look like etc. When you answer these questions honestly, the right decision will become apparent.
  • Tune in to your “feeling” on the matter. When you have written and specific goals and have used clear, objective thinking, it is time to trust your instincts.

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Personal Responsibility – “If it’s to be, it’s up to me”

Here are 12 steps for achieving more of what you want out of your career and life:

  1. Have a written and specific goals program – both personal and business. When you know where you stand, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there, you will have more confidence and be more motivated to achieve. It’s important that your goals are in writing because writing crystallizes thought and crystallized thought motivates action.
  2. Exhibit initiative. Someone once said, “Well-started is half-done.” Another common saying is, “He who hesitates is lost.” Getting started is critical to your success.
  3. Demonstrate self-reliance. Once you get started, keep going. Two of my favorite sayings that support this point are: “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” and “It is always too soon to quit.”
  4. Accept personal responsibility. This is the heart of the “if it is to be, it is up to me” concept. There will always be obstacles to any worthwhile goal. The way you respond to these obstacles and the choices you make as a result of them will determine the magnitude of your success. Remember, it’s not your situation that affects the outcome, it’s your reaction to the situation.
  5. Prepare yourself. A commitment to continuous growth is essential in the pursuit and achievement of worthwhile goals. You’ll be no better off tomorrow than you are today except for the books you read, the messages you listen to and the people you associate with. If you want to have more, you need to be more.
  6.  Believe in yourself. Make a list of your personal strengths and past accomplishments. Review your list and add to it on a regular basis. By focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses and on your accomplishments instead of your problems, you will bolster your belief in yourself. This bolstered belief will help you break through obstacles, road blocks and hindering circumstances.
  7. Visualize your success. “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear” is etched in every automobile’s passenger-side mirror. Put symbols of your future accomplishments on your bathroom mirror. You will soon discover that the accomplishment of these goals is closer than you thought.
  8. Establish and maintain relationships. We usually need other people to help us reach our goals whether it’s in a support role or direct assistance. Establishing, maintaining, and nurturing relationships will pay big dividends.
  9. Take appropriate risks. Achieving worthwhile goals requires extra effort, persistence, determination, an “I will not be denied” attitude, and a “whatever it takes” attitude.
  10.  Expand your resources. Unless your goal is highly personal, you can usually get other people to help you achieve it. You can enlist family members, friends, or business associates.
  11.  Be “on fire” about your goals. When you’re excited about your goals and enthusiastic about the outcome, you’ll draw on inner resources that will help your goals become reality.
  12. Commit to greatness. To achieve great goals, you need to be the best you that you’re capable of becoming. You need to make your life extraordinary. You need to develop and use more of your talents and abilities.


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